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Monday, August 22, 2011

Your Choice By Dr. Chet Zelasko

I’m a Buffalo Bills fan. I never hide it, but sometimes it isn’t easy to own up to, given their record in the past 10 years. But it’s a new season and it’s time to be optimistic. In an interview, Bills coach Chan Gailey was asked about the new rules regarding the number of practices allowed as he prepared the team for the new season. He said, “I don’t like them.” But what he said next was profound:

“You can gripe and complain about what you don’t have, or you can get excited about what you do have. You get to choose every day.”

How many times have you said you’d exercise more if you had the time? How about eating healthier foods if you had the time to cook? Lift weights if you could afford a gym? Think about what you said you would do.

Here’s the thing: it’s your choice how you decide to approach each day. You can complain about what you can’t do, or you can get excited about what you can do. Exchange sleep or TV time for exercise. Use your body weight as resistance until you can afford weights or a gym; that’s what you’re doing when you do push-ups, pull-ups, curl-ups, or leg lifts. Cook meals for the week with the entire family participating—how many of you say you want more family time, and what could be better than helping the kids learn about healthy foods?

Because what the coach said is true. You do get to choose—not only how you think about your current situation but what you’ll do to get healthy and fit. Choose wisely. What are you prepared to do today? ~ Dr. Chet

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