The Business of the 21st Century

Life is tough.

The economy is tough.

The question is, What are YOU going to do about it?

If you want wealth, you need to create it.

You need to take charge of your future by taking control of your income source.

You need your own business to build the life you desire today!

We build networks.

Networks are assets that can survive any economic turbulence.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do or do not. There is no try.

Because of the invaluable lessons that can be learned from failure, It is better to try and fail than to never try at all.  However, you should never go into an endeavor with a mindset of, “I guess I’ll give it a try.”  The doubt conveyed to yourself in that message will mushroom into an expectancy of failure at the first sign of resistance.  A feeling of absolute faith needs to imbibe every part of your being when you attack an endeavor.

Try* something with me.  Think of something important that you really want or need to do.  Close your eyes and imagine yourself attempting this action with a sense of hope that it will work out.  Now, imagine yourself attacking the same task with a feeling of absolute certainty that the outcome will be the one you desire.  I’m talking about an resolute conviction that there is no possible outcome except the one you have determined will happen.  Do you feel the difference?  Which attitude do you think will carry you through to victory when obstacles rear their ugly heads and the path to victory looks cloudy and difficult?

* Try in this instance refers to this Merriam-Webster definition of try: to put to test or trial, rather than this one: to make an attempt at.

So, like our friends at Nike say, "Just DO it!"

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