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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

As A Man Thinketh

"My life is an extension of my thoughts.  I am in control."

-by Jeff David Young

We all tend to manifest in our lives that which we hold in our minds long enough to emotionalize. A simple example of this is the person that is so fearful of a public speech that he or she holds in their mind terrifying images of the presentation going disastrously wrong. What this person is doing is instructing their subconscious to make sure the presentation is a disaster. If you fear and visualize yourself blowing it over and over, soon your subconscious will take hold of this, give it life, and manifest it into reality. 

Consciously design the life you want to have.  See it, feel it.  Put some emotion behind the pictures in your mind and repeatedly imagine that this is your new reality.  If you do this in a spirit of absolute faith and belief that this new life IS yours, eventually, your subconscious will take hold of this and your actions will align with the belief and the vision will begin to manifest itself. Once this happens, you will start to see a positive snowball effect take hold of your confidence level, making denial of your vision next to impossible.  

Your thoughts determine what you manifest in your life. You have been given complete control over your thoughts. Do the math. It’s not always easy, and you will have temporary setbacks, but it really is that simple.

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